Sindromul Wolff Parkinson White
Detak jantung yang tidak normal menimbulkan aritmia yang jarang sekali terjadi.
Sindromul wolff parkinson white. Wolff parkinson white syndrome is a disorder due to a specific type of problem with the electrical system of the heart which has resulted in symptoms. El sindrome de wolff parkinson white es una afección en la cual existe una ruta eléctrica adicional del corazón que lleva a períodos de frecuencia cardíaca rápida taquicardia. The episodes of fast heartbeats usually aren t life threatening but serious heart problems can occur. About 40 of people with the electrical problem never develop symptoms.
The most common type of irregular heartbeat that occurs is known as paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. Wolff parkinson white wpw syndrome in wolff parkinson white wpw syndrome an extra electrical pathway between your heart s upper and lower chambers causes a rapid heartbeat. It causes the abnormal heartbeats. Wpw causes 100 or more heartbeats per minute.
Rarely cardiac arrest may occur. In 1933 other doctors noted the reason for this irregular rhythm was a faster passage of impulses traveling through the ventricles. People with wolff parkinson white syndrome have an extra electrical pathway. Wolff parkinson white wpw syndrome is a condition that causes tachycardia fast heartbeat.
And it could lead to a very serious arrhythmia called supraventricular tachycardia. Este síndrome es una de las causas más comunes de problemas de frecuencia cardíaca rápida en bebés y niños. Kondisi ini disebabkan oleh impuls dari ventrikel yang memompa darah lebih awal sehingga menimbulkan jalur kelistrikan dari jantung lebih dari satu jalur. Sindrom wolff parkinson white paling sering diawali dengan gejala organ jantung yang berdetak sangat cepat.
A normal heartbeat is about 60 to 100 beats per minute. Wolff parkinson white syndrome is a condition characterized by abnormal electrical pathways in the heart that cause a disruption of the heart s normal rhythm arrhythmia. Wpw develops because an extra piece of heart muscle causes more electrical activity within your heart. Symptoms can include an abnormally fast heartbeat palpitations shortness of breath lightheadedness or syncope.
A specialized cluster of cells called the atrioventricular node. In 1944 doctors confirmed the presence of extra pathways. Sindromul wolff parkinson white wpw este o malformatie congenitala care implica prezenta unui tesut conductiv anormal intre atrii si ventricule care este asociat frecvent cu instalarea tahicardiei supraventriculare. The heartbeat is controlled by electrical signals that move through the heart in a highly coordinated way.