2 31
It is one of only four known double mersenne primes.
2 31. These two numbers 433 and 2 31 are the conversion numbers used to convert from one unit to the other. How to convert dynamic head to psi. The number 2 147 483 647 is the eighth mersenne prime equal to 2 31 1. Or one foot column of water that s 1 inch square weighs 433 pounds.
The ksatriyas are trained for killing in the forest. Translated that means that a column of water that s 1 inch square and 2 31 feet tall will weigh 1 pound. New living translation nlt. The primality of this number was proven by leonhard euler who reported the proof in a letter to daniel bernoulli written in 1772.
One who gives protection from harm is called ksatriya trayate to give protection. New international version niv. Numbers 2 31 new international version niv 31 all the men assigned to the camp of dan number 157 600. Acts 2 31 new living translation nlt 31 david was looking into the future and speaking of the messiah s resurrection.
Out of the four orders of social administration the second order for the matter of good administration is called ksatriya. The 2 31 is composed of 126 vertices 2016 edges 10080 faces triangles 20160 cells 16128 4 faces 3 simplexes 4788 5 faces 756 pentacrosses and 4032 5 simplexes 632 6 faces 576 6 simplexes and 56 2 21 its vertex figure is a 6 demicube its 126 vertices represent the root vectors of the simple lie group e 7. They will set out last under their standards.